

070 業績不振企業の繰越欠損金の取扱い



070 Treatment of the carryforward of unused tax losses

 According to the German Corporation Tax Law 8c, if an individual or a group acquires more than 25% interest of German corporations or 50% interest within 5 years, he or it will not be able to take advantage of all or a part of the carryforward of unused tax losses. As an exception, if the purchase of the share is for the purpose of corporate restructuring, it does not apply. However, the European Committee recognized that the carryforward of unused tax losses is an unfair national support, so they asked Germany to remove the special treatment to German companies whose performance is not well.

 Since German companies hold more carryforward of unused tax losses than expected, the determination of the removal of the special treatment would stop the decreasing tax revenue. On the other hand, most of those ill companies do not retain earnings within themselves, which would make it difficult for them to restructure the companies. Companies that have subsidiaries or such would have to be very careful on this matter.

069 企業ディスクロージャーとSR




069 Corporate disclosure and Social responsibility (SR)

 Tokyo Stock Exchange announced on 2 February 2011 “disclosure awards”. This is an award that values voluntary disclosure that is not required by laws. Any disclosure of companies that received this award is convincing in a way that not only the contents are abundant but also disclosure method to attract people’s attention works well enough for people to easily understand the contents. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is also one of the features seen in the voluntary disclosure, which is not of course required by statutory disclosure.

 By the way, ISO26000 issued last year with regards to CSR. According to the ISO/SR committee in Japan Standards Association, this is just a guidance standard, not a acknowledged standard. Therefore, even many of awarded companies have not followed the guidance yet. Since this standard interprets that social responsibilities are not something only companies take, it mentions a word “Social Responsibility (SR)” instead of CSR.

 It seems that ISO26000 will be a often-discussed topic in talking about disclosure, but that is only if this “not acknowledged standard” is to be welcomed by companies.

068 「減価償却に関する当面の監査上の取扱い」の改正(公開草案)について









068 An exposure draft on the temporary audit treatment of depreciation

Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants issued an exposure draft on the temporary audit treatment of depreciation on February 24 2011 (they are publicly asking for opinions until March 17 2011.)

 This revision is to unify the application of the standards below and other reports.
– accounting standards and implementation guidance on correction of accounting changes and errors
– 2011 Tax Reform (note: its details could change since any government ordinance has not been issued.)
– unification of the Audit First Committee Report 32 “Audit treatment on the application, change and presentation of useful life” 

Keys that you should remember is the followings.
1. Stipulated the treatment regarding the depreciation method and change of it.
– They clarified that the depreciation method is included in accounting policy.
– Changes in the depreciation method are “Changes in accounting policy, but retrospective adjustments are not applied.

2. Clarified the treatment of changes in useful life
– There are two types of the changes in useful life; “Correction of errors made in the past” and “Changes in accounting estimates”

 In the case of “Changes in accounting estimates” (and also that useful life used in the past was reasonable and changed useful life is also reasonable), differences from the changes should be recognized through profit or loss over the rest of the estimated useful life in the future.

 In the case of “Correction of errors made in the past” (and also that the estimation of useful life was not reasonable and changed useful life is reasonable), they should restate the amount retrospectively.

 3. 2011 Tax Reform
– They should apply the depreciation rate that multiplies a rate calculated by straight-line method by 2.0 to assets to be acquired after April 1 2011.
– Regarding assets subject to depreciation by a fixed rate method using current depreciation rate, they could change the rate, if they submit documents by the deadline of tax return for the year that ends after April 1 2011, to the depreciation rate applicable after the revision.

 They should apply them for the year that ends after April 2011.

066 外国税額控除、配当免除制度の拡大措置について


066 Expansion of the tax exemption system of foreign tax and dividends

  Current tax exemption system of foreign tax and dividends will be expanded according to the 2011 Tax Reform.  Submitting the income tax return on time is required to apply to both exemptions, but the reform enables us to apply to them even though we submit the income tax return regardless of the submission deadline of the income tax return. The limitation of the exemption amount is allowed to be more than the amount written in the return. This reform can be applied to the tax return of which deadline comes after April 1, 2011.