

098 欠損金の繰越控除制度の見直しと税効果への影響





(1) 繰越欠損金の繰越期限9年に延長
(2) 繰越控除額は、繰越控除をする事業年度の控除前所得金額の100分の80相当額とする。



(1) 繰越期間延長の適用時期は平成20年4月1日以降終了事業年度で生じた繰越欠損金額に遡及して適用


098 Review of the carry-over system of the losses and Impact on the tax effect



Review of the carry-over system of losses had been considered in the 2011 Tax Reform.

For publicly listed company, the followings will be applied

(1) Deadline of the carry-over loss is extended to nine years
(2) Deductible carryover is equivalent to 80% of the amount of income before deduction.

In addition, the dates of application are as follows:

(1) Extension of the carry-over period can be retrospectively applied from the fiscal year ended on or after April 1 2008.
(2) Restriction of the carry-over deduction is effective from the fiscal year beginning on or after April 1 2012

According to this reform, it should be noted that restriction of the deduction of carry-over loss and extension of the carry-over period could make a important impact on the scheduling of tax effect.

097 Accounting for the loss of pension assets

March 22, 2012, Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants has announced the “Handling on the audit on the accounting treatment relating to the loss of pension assets.”

Accounting treatment for the loss of pension assets, relating to the pension funds of which asset management is delegated to the investment advisory company recently reported in some newspaper as suspected fraud.

It is almost certain that the company, whose operation has been suspended by the Financial Services Agency, has lost the majority of the pension assets. Therefore, the fact of the loss of the pension assets should be taken into account in the financial statements for the fiscal year during which incident occurred.

Specifically, the amount of loss should be reasonably estimated, and the amount should be accounted for “reserve for retirement benefits” and “retirement benefit expenses” as a extraordinary loss.

In addition, the companies that adopts the accounting treatment instructed by the “Note 12 to the accounting standards for the retirement benefits” are required to recognize the amount of the necessary contribution to the pension funds as “retirement benefit expenses” and make an certain explanatory note in the financial statements.

In case that the impact to the contribution to the pension funds expected in the future is material to the certain level, they will have to make a supplementary comment in the financial statements about the summary of the event and the impact to the contribution to the pension funds in the future.

097 年金資産の消失に係る会計処理について





